Tecnoscienza n.1

TECNOSCIENZA N.1(1) 2010 is out (ISSN 2038-3460)

Tecnoscienza is a scientific journal promoted by STS Italia and aimed at offering a reference point to all the scholars who, in researches and reflection, deal with the relationship between  science, technology and society.

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Table of Contents
Der Jasager by Zaven Paré<
Zaven Paré
Journal presentation
Editorial Board

On delegation to machines. The artefact as social actor within the process of raw milk reintroduction among food consumption.

Tiziana Piccioni

On material production. Sensitive qualities and practical knowledge in artefacts’ stabilization process.
Laura Lucia Parolin
The retranslated movement. A study on the production and the use of images within kinematics in experimental psychology
Claudia Gianelli, Federico Montanari

Experts’ role in procedures of citizens participation and involvement

Luigi Bobbio, Luca Guzzetti, Giuseppe Pellegrini

Transformations and current trends in scientific journalism

Elisabetta Tola, Massimiano Bucchi, Federico Neresini


Meeting the Universe Halfway. Feminist debate and Actor-Network Theory

Restituta Castiello


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