Tecnoscienza n.2

Tecnoscienza n.2

TECNOSCIENZA N.1(2) 2010 is out (ISSN 2038-3460)

Tecnoscienza is a scientific journal promoted by STS Italia and aimed at offering a reference point to all the scholars who, in researches and reflection, deal with the relationship between  science, technology and society.

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Table of Contents
God Bless Diana by Heman Chong
Heman Chong

Giving name to streets, giving streets to names. Organising urban space following toponymy practices

Claudio Coletta

Making bread the old-fashioned way. Recombinant typicalities and the absence of bakers

Alessandro Mongili

From Community to Text and Back On Semiotics and Ant as Text-Based Methods for Fleeting Objects of Study

Annalisa Pelizza

Shadows and Lights on the Square. Cyclical Transformations of a Public Space. The Case of Piazza Politeama in Palermo

Ilaria Ventura


Technoscientific Dialogues. Expertise, Democracy and Technological Cultures

Wiebe E. Bijker, Paolo Volontè, Cristina Grasseni

Reporting and Describing Technoscience

Elena Cattaneo, Assunta Viteritti

Review Essays

The entanglements of research and teaching. Analysis of technoscientific controversies at the CSI Mines ParisTech

Francesca Musiani

Using the World Wide Web for the cartography of technoscientific controversies

Andrea Lorenzet

Book reviews

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