Workshop “War, peace and the entanglements of Science, Technology and Society” with Brian Balmer

On January 19th, 2024 STS Italia will discuss entanglesments of Science, Technology and Society with War and Peace with invited speaker Brian Balmer from University College London. The workshop will take place at University of Napoli, Federico II. The entanglements of science, technology and armed conflicts are centuries old, from gunpowder to unmanned aircrafts. Far from having only a military relevance, these entanglements, and how they have changed over time, open a window on the relationships between science, technology and society from a national and international perspective. Thanks to the contribution of Balmer, the workshop aims at investigating these connections, as a way to unveil the changing nature of the contract between science, society and politics. Acknowledging the temporally distributed nature of these changes, the workshop aims also at illuminating the productive synergies between the history of science and technologies and science and technology studies in exploring how these processes and transformations unfold over time. It is possible to register on Eventbrite.

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  • STS Italia

    Via Carducci 32, 20123 - Milano (Italy)
    C.F. 92182800281