7th STS Italia Summer School | ArTS in Society. Design, creative practices and technoscience | 3-6 September 2024 @Real Academia de España in Rome (RAER) Italy – Application deadline extended May 3rd

STS Italia – Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, RedEsCTS, the Spanish Network for Science and Technology Studies and the Real Academia de España in Rome (RAER) are organizing the 7th STS Italia Summer School, “ArTS in Society. Design, creative practices and technoscience”, to be held in Rome (Italy) from September the 3rd to September the 6th 2024.   Goals and main topics Art and design practices can help us question and reimagine scientific... Read More

6th STS Italia Summer School | Disentangling Futures: Promises, Scenarios, Experiments”| 27th to October 1st, 2022, Padova, Italy

STS Italia, the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies with the support of European Association for the Study of Science and Technology is organizing its 6th Summer School, “Disentangling Futures: Promises, Scenarios, Experiments”, to be held in Padova (Italy) from September 27th to October 1st, 2022. The Summer School is organized in collaboration with the University of Padova, FISSPA Department and University of Lausanne (CH). Goals and main topics In... Read More


(Go to the conference website) 8th STS Italia Conference University of Trieste, Italy, 17–19 June 2021 DIS/ENTANGLING TECHNOSCIENCE The 8th STS Italia Conference will be held in Trieste, Italy, (June 17-19, 2021), by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, in collaboration with the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Trieste. The major theme refers to the complex and ambivalent role of technoscience and innovation in constituting... Read More

Dismantling boundaries between STS and Design: A workshop on RRI and assessment practices in co-creation landscapes

Dismantling boundaries between STS and Design:  A workshop on RRI and assessment practices in co-creation landscapes POLITECNICO DI MILANO, Italy, NOVEMBER 20, 2019 (Download the full description of the workshop) DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKSHOP   The development and introduction of new technologies within our turbulent society is crucial in solving and shaping challenges in equal measure. In this regard, the concept of co-creation has been recently introduced in diverse fields... Read More

5th STS Italia Summer School | Expertise at stake: technoscience and public participation in the post-truth age | 1st– 5th July, 2019 Pisa, Italy

STS-Italia, the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies and the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Pisa organize the 5th Summer School Expertise at stake: technoscience and public participation in the post-truth age, to be held in Pisa, on 1-5 July 2019. All the activities of the Summer School will be held at the Department of Political Science, Via Filippo Serafini, 3, in the very city center of Pisa.   FINAL PROGRAM OF THE SUMMER SCHOOL Goals... Read More

Technoscience from Below – CONFERENCE REPORT

Technoscience from Below CONFERENCE REPORT The 7th STS Italia Conference was hosted at the University of Padova, Italy, June 14 through 16, 2018, by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, in collaboration with the FISPPA Department and the University of Padova. The focal theme of the 7th STS Italia Conference has been Technoscience from Below. The conference has brought together STS scholars from all over the world to enjoy a opportunity of interactions and scientific... Read More

Technoscience from Below – 7th STS Italia Conference

Technoscience from Below FINAL CONFERENCE PROGRAM > The 7th STS Italia Conference will be hosted at the University of Padova, Italy, June 14 through 16, 2018, by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, in collaboration with the FISPPA Department and the University of Padova. The conference will be an opportunity to present empirical and theoretical work from a variety of disciplines and fields: sociology, anthropology, design, economics, history, law, philosophy,... Read More

CONVEGNO | Salute digitale, tecnologie mediche e giustizia sociale: prospettive e metodologie di analisi fra Sociologia della Salute e Science & Technology Studies

CONVEGNO Salute digitale, tecnologie mediche e giustizia sociale: prospettive e metodologie di analisi fra Sociologia della Salute e Science & Technology Studies 21-22 Settembre 2018 Complesso Belmeloro, Palazzina B, Aula P – Via Andreatta 8, Bologna (Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna) CALL FOR ABSTRACT I nuovi database e i relativi algoritmi per la gestione dei dati riguardanti la salute, le tecnologie di self tracking, la medicina di precisione rappresentano... Read More


Resoconto del Workshop “LA CURA DEL CANCRO E L’INNOVAZIONE TECNOLOGICA. ASPETTI ETICO-SOCIALI” Nelle giornate del 13 e 14 aprile si è tenuto a Rovigo – presso l’Accademia dei Concordi – il workshop intitolato “LA CURA DEL CANCRO E L’INNOVAZIONE TECNOLOGICA. ASPETTI ETICO-SOCIALI”, organizzato dal CIGA dell’Università di Padova (CIGA – Centro per le decisioni giuridico-ambientali e la certificazione etica d’impresa), in collaborazione... Read More

Resoconto della IV Summer School di STS Italia

Resoconto della IV Summer School di STS Italia Dal 5 al 9 Settembre si è tenuta a Catania la IV Summer School STS Italia, intitolata “Almost Humans : Robotics, Healthcare and STS”, organizzata in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, del Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica e Informatica dell’Università di Catania e, infine, con il supporto di Neodata, azienda catanese che opera nel... Read More

  • STS Italia

    Via Carducci 32, 20123 - Milano (Italy)
    C.F. 92182800281