Tecnoscienza – Call for papers: From bench to bed and back: laboratories and biomedical research

Tecnoscienza – Call for papers:  From bench to bed and back: laboratories and biomedical research

Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies Special issue From bench to bed and back: laboratories and biomedical research Read More  Read More

Tecnoscienza n.2

Tecnoscienza n.2

TECNOSCIENZA N.1(2) 2010 is out (ISSN 2038-3460) Tecnoscienza is a scientific journal promoted by STS Italia and aimed at offering a reference point to all the scholars who, in researches and reflection, deal with the relationship between  science, technology and society. Download Issue> Read More  Read More

Tecnoscienza n.1

Tecnoscienza n.1

TECNOSCIENZA N.1(1) 2010 is out (ISSN 2038-3460) Tecnoscienza is a scientific journal promoted by STS Italia and aimed at offering a reference point to all the scholars who, in researches and reflection, deal with the relationship between  science, technology and society. Download Issue> Read More  Read More

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