7th STS Italia Summer School | ArTS in Society. Design, creative practices and technoscience | 3-6 September 2024 @Real Academia de España in Rome (RAER) Italy – Application deadline extended May 3rd

STS Italia – Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, RedEsCTS, the Spanish Network for Science and Technology Studies and the Real Academia de España in Rome (RAER) are organizing the 7th STS Italia Summer School, “ArTS in Society. Design, creative practices and technoscience”, to be held in Rome (Italy) from September the 3rd to September the 6th 2024.   Goals and main topics Art and design practices can help us question and reimagine scientific... Read More

Workshop “War, peace and the entanglements of Science, Technology and Society” with Brian Balmer

  On January 19th, 2024 STS Italia will discuss entanglesments of Science, Technology and Society with War and Peace with invited speaker Brian Balmer from University College London. The workshop will take place at University of Napoli, Federico II. The entanglements of science, technology and armed conflicts are centuries old, from gunpowder to unmanned aircrafts. Far from having only a military relevance, these entanglements, and how they have changed over time, open a... Read More

Workshop “Automatizing care: on algorythm control and device activism” with Henriette Langstrup

On January 27th, 2023 STS Italia will discuss device actism and algorithm control with Henriette Langstrup at Politecnico di Milano. The workshop will involve Francesco Miele (UNITS) and Michele Loi (POLIMI) that will engage with Henriette for a discussion about role of individuals, forms of resistance and algorithmic control in the case of people affected by diabetes. For those interested in attending and taking part to the debate it is possible to register to the event... Read More

9th STS Italia Conference| Interesting Worlds to Come. Science & Technology Studies facing more-than-human challenges| 28th – 30th June, 2023, Bologna, Italy

*** DEADLINE PASSED: Review of abstract submitted is about to start *** We are happy to announce the call for abstracts to the 9th STS Italia Conference. The conference will be hosted by the University of Bologna, Italy, June 28th-30th, 2023 and organized by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies and the Department of Political and Social Sciences. Abstracts (in English) should... Read More

6th STS Italia Summer School | Disentangling Futures: Promises, Scenarios, Experiments”| 27th to October 1st, 2022, Padova, Italy

STS Italia, the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies with the support of European Association for the Study of Science and Technology is organizing its 6th Summer School, “Disentangling Futures: Promises, Scenarios, Experiments”, to be held in Padova (Italy) from September 27th to October 1st, 2022. The Summer School is organized in collaboration with the University of Padova, FISSPA Department and University of Lausanne (CH). Goals and main topics In... Read More

Politics of difference and (in)security.

Politics of difference and (in)security VENERDI 11 FEBBRAIO 2022, 10:30 Sala Rossa, Dept. of Philosophy and CommunicationStudies, via Azzo Gardino 23, 40122 Bologna (IT) La Sala Rossa del Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione dell’Università di Bologna che abbiamo riservato ci consente di ospitare un pubblico di 25 persone. Per tale ragione abbiamo predisposto un link per le prenotazioni tramite EventBrite. Tramite il medesimo link potrete prenotarvi per partecipare... Read More


IL VIAGGIO DEI DATI NELLA PANDEMIA TRA DATIFICAZIONE, MODELLI PREVISIONALI E INCERTEZZE VENERDI 29 OTTOBRE 2021, 9:30 SAPIENZA UNIVERSITÀ DI ROMA, VIA SALARIA 113, AULA B14 LINK ZOOM: https://polimi-it.zoom.us/j/85093634341 Chi vuole prenotarsi per essere in presenza mandi una mail a stsitalia.org@gmail.com La pandemia da COVID-19 è stata la prima crisi sanitaria globale della “società della datificazione”. I dati sulla diffusione, la numerosità dei decessi, i tassi di... Read More


(Go to the conference website) 8th STS Italia Conference University of Trieste, Italy, 17–19 June 2021 DIS/ENTANGLING TECHNOSCIENCE The 8th STS Italia Conference will be held in Trieste, Italy, (June 17-19, 2021), by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, in collaboration with the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Trieste. The major theme refers to the complex and ambivalent role of technoscience and innovation in constituting... Read More

Come la pandemia sfida i confini disciplinari.

Come la pandemia sfida i confini disciplinari. 20 NOVEMBRE 2020, H. 15:00 L’evento verrà trasmesso sulla piattaforma Zoom: https://polimi-it.zoom.us/j/4316627368 ACCEDI AL FILMATO DEL SEMINARIO Scienze della vita e scienze sociali. quali le sfide poste alle scienze dalla Pandemia? Come la pandemia sta ridisegnando i confini tra le diverse aree disciplinari? Come le scienze sociali rispondono alle sfide poste dalla pandemia? Quale ii ruolo della scienza dei dati e come... Read More

ECLISSI DELLA “VERITÀ” O CRISI DELLA DELEGA TECNOCRATICA: expertise tecnoscientifiche, fake news e pratiche mediali.

ECLISSI DELLA “VERITÀ” O CRISI DELLA DELEGA TECNOCRATICA:expertise tecnoscientifiche, fake news e pratiche mediali. 14 Febbraio 2020 Educafé – Politecnico di Milano P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 – Milano DESCRIZIONE DEL WORKSHOP Il workshop si aprirà con una relazione di Vitalba Crivello (Parlamento Europeo) che presenterà l’esperienza dello European Science-Media Hub (ESMH), una recente iniziativa promossa dal Panel for the Future of Science and... Read More

  • STS Italia

    Via Carducci 32, 20123 - Milano (Italy)
    C.F. 92182800281